NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counseling in Europe

2024 NICE Academy
Retracing our roots: Cultivating the Future of Career Guidance and Counseling
Saxion Deventer, Handelskade 75, 7417 DH Deventer.
September, 18-21 2024

How to reach Deventer and Saxion click here
For more information about Deventer click here and see the video on YouTube



The purpose and mission of NICE Foundation is to promote excellence and innovation in the academic, research-based training of careers practitioners in Europe, although our influence and network now extends beyond Europe. We operate in line with the NICE Memorandum (2015) which outlines the competence standards for the training of careers practitioners and act as the common points of reference for NICE. We aim to develop and promote a quality standard and award for a degree program for the training of careers practitioners and to support and facilitate the mobility and exchange of staff of relevant degree programs to share good practice and innovation.
The flagship event each year is our academy in which we share information on developments in practice, training and research and provide a space for sharing and networking to promote future innovations. This year our hosts are colleagues from Saxion University in the lovely city of Deventer, NL. We hope you can join us.
Anne Chant¬ Chair of the NICE Foundation

The NICE Network has reached its second lustrum, it celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024. It is a good moment to look back but more important to look ahead. The renowned 18th-century Dutch author Willem Bilderdijk, who shaped intellectual and social life in the Netherlands also founded the spiritual movement “Het Réveil,” which sought a Christian response to the ideals of the French Revolution, eloquently stated: 'In het verleden ligt het het nu was Werden zal'—which translates to: 'The past contains the present, today bears what's to come.' Looking at our times we are all aware that the future will look quite different from how things are now. In times like ours it is more important than ever to understand the future and the present by understanding the past and what it was that shaped our present existence.

In the metaphor of a gardener who is responsible for the garden and needs to prepare the soil in time, to keep the flowers and the trees alive and healthy we need to cultivate the garden, the soil and the plants and trees in it for the future . And to do that we need to be aware of the roots and the historical values ​​and treasures that have grown here in the past and that can help to shape the future. We do not want to bulldoze all the soil and disturb all the valuable resources, all the fungi and animal life in the soil. All the external resources, the soil, the air, the sun, the rain, the seasons help to create new life. All the networks and natural systems that make the garden a rich environment. Bulldozing everything will disturb the natural balance of the garden. We don't want to start again; We want to adapt to changes and help the system to adapt too.

The theme of the academy is the future of career guidance and counseling . How will AI impact work; which jobs will disappear; which will change and where might the new opportunities be? Importantly what all these means for practice will be considered; How can career practitioners support future career development with so many unanswered questions?

Participating in the 2024 Deventer NICE Academy will give you:
• A place to share and discuss current trends in career guidance and counseling, specifically in relation to migration, digitalization, international work, and study mobility.
• A context to discuss the newest in research on career guidance and counseling.
• A chance to develop your knowledge, skills, and competences on AI and respectively career counseling, professional practice, sustainable careers, capabilities.
• Networking with career professionals from Europe and beyond
• The opportunity to take part in supervision on career support or academic training.
• A chance to discuss the use of the outcomes of the academy in your organization.

Program and Abstract click here
Concept time table click here
Overview workshops and presentations click here
Keynote speakers click here


Jaana Kettunen : President of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG); Professor and Vice director at Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä
Pete Robertson : Professor of Career Guidance at Edinburgh Napier University. President of the Career Development Institute in the United Kingdom.
Linda Koopmans:            Researcher in the Expertise Group Sustainable Productivity and Employability at TNO Innovation for Life.
Beatrice van der Heijden : Professor of Strategic HRM at the Radboud University, Institute for Management Research, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and Head of the Department of Strategic HRM.
Maurice de Greef : Chair holder of the UNESCO chair on adult education at UNESCO/Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Anne Chant, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Yvor Broer, In Dialogue
Jan Woldendorp, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Emma Harrison, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Lea Ferrari, University of Padova, Italy
Teresa Maria Sgaramella, University of Padova, Italy
Laurent Sovet, Paris Descartes, France
Maria Cristina Ginevra, University of Padova, Italy
Seija Koskela, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Filiz Keser Aschenberger, University for Continuing Education, Krems, Austria

Anouk Jasmine Albien, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Stephan Corporaal, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Sjoerd de Vries, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Nikos Drosos, European University Cyprus, Greece
Srecko Goic, University of Split, Croatia
Ellen Koop, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Mary McMahon, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Paola Magnano, Kore University of Enna, Italy
Derk Jan Nijman, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Bo Klindt Poulsen, VIA University College , Aarhus, Denmark
Jouke Post, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Jos Sanders, HAN University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Ines Schell, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Åsa Sundelin, Stockholm University, Sweden
Peter C. Weber, University of Applied Labor Studies, Mannheim, Germany

Saxion Lectorate Employability Transition
Saxion Kennistransfer
TNO Innovation for life
Verwey-Jonker Instituut

Fees for participating in 2024 NICE Academy in Deventer
Please consider that it is also possible to participate in the NICE Academy for only one day

To register click here 

One day participation

Early Bird registration
From April 1 to June 30 

Registration after July 1st

Full fee




Founders and Lecturers (1)




Special rates (2)








(1) Founders are registered supporters of the NICE Foundation, either individuals or representatives of institutional founders (eg, universities or professional associations). For an overview of the relevant bodies, please consult
(2) The special discount is available for participants with very low budgets, eg unemployed students or practitioners with relatively low incomes. Please contact the organizers via email for a special discount  

NICE ACADEMY and Erasmus+
NICE Academies are structured learning events. This means that if you have access to Erasmus+ funding (Higher, Vocational, Adult as well as School education) parts or all your costs for attending this academy can be funded through this EU funding program. If you have questions about this funding option, send an email to Yvor Broer, board member NICE, 

If your organization has a grant and wants to use a part of the grant to attend this academy, you can approach the Saxion University of Applied Science, the host of this years' NICE Academy. They can sign your Erasmus+ learning agreement and will also sign a certificate of attendance, which Erasmus+ requires. Robert Estevez, coordination internationalization Saxion, 

In the website you can also find:
The Concept timetable in brief click here
How to reach Deventer and Saxion click here
For more information about Deventer click here and see the video on YouTube