NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe

Nikos Drosos
European University Cyprus

Title of the Keynote
Career Counseling and Guidance in the Workplace: Towards a shift to holistic models

The postmodern world of work is characterized by technological advancements and uncertainty. Some occupations are becoming obsolete, whereas new occupations arise. Linear careers where somebody enters a job and advances in the same job throughout his/her career are becoming rare, and workers are expected to have to change jobs or careers in a much greater extent than in previous years. Moreover the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns forced businesses to have people working from home (a trend that will most likely remain in some degree in the post-Covid era), contributing heavily to the further blurring between personal and professional life –especially in the case someone has family and children. In the next few years, many people will be forced, in essence, to change their career identity and construct a new life and career plan, and therefore the role of career counseling and guidance will be crucial. Moreover, these changes are likely to affect their mental health causing occupational stress and/or other issues.
A very interesting initiative to address the aforementioned issues comes from Greece, with the launching of four day centers that operate in the metropolitan area of ​​Athens and Thessaloniki aiming at psychosocial support and career counseling of workers. The target groups include public employees, private employees, freelancers and people working in NGOs or social businesses. It is an initiative aiming to mitigate the psychosocial effects of the pandemic and the fourth industrial revolution and assist workers affected by them to re-design their career. The day centers are staffed with psychologists, career counselors, social workers, and psychiatrists offering a wide range of services. Among their services there is individual and group counseling aiming at fostering career adaptability and career resilience.

Brief bio
dr Nikos Drosos is an Assistant Professor in Career Guidance and Counseling in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the European University Cyprus and the Coordinator of its relevant master (MA) programme. He has been working in the field of counseling and career guidance for almost 20 years, having undertaken the supervision, development, implementation and assessment of various international career counseling projects. He has been scientifically responsible in several European projects (Erasmus+, Creative Europe) regarding work re-integration of socially vulnerable groups. He is the Locum Scientific Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the European Doctoral Program in Career Guidance and Counseling (ECADOC), a member of the Board of Directors of the Pan-Hellenic Union for Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Work Integration (PEPSAEE), and Vice-President of the Greek Union for Supported Employment (ELETYPE). He has taught in postgraduate programs in the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens for many years. He has numerous awards for his social activity, and for academic excellence. He is, also, the co-creator of the "ARIADNE" career tests ( that have, already, helped more than 20,000 students in Greece and Cyprus decide their future career.