NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe


Many national and international organisations are dedicated to career guidance and counselling, and offer regular events for career professionals and specialists. The aim of the NICE Network and Foundation is to complement the existing organisations with a partner that focuses on academic training in career guidance and counselling in Europe. We do not wish to compete with practitioners and research associations. Instead, we want to fill a gap concerning the international exchange around the question, how career professionals are trained and qualified. Hence, the NICE Network primarily involves people and organisations involved in the training of career professionals across Europe.

In line with our Mission, we cooperate with other international organisations to promote professionalism and quality in career guidance and counselling. Currently, we cooperate with the following organisations:

The European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) is an association, which promotes high-quality research in career guidance and counselling in Europe. The ESVDC and NICE have agreed to collaborate on topics concerning academic training and research.

ECADOC, the European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling, organises annual summer schools for doctoral researchers working on themes related to career guidance and counselling. ECADOC was set up by the ESVDC and NICE and an alliance of European universities with financial support from the European Commission (2013-2016) and continues to be supported by the ESVDC and NICE.

The NICE Foundation is a member organisation of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG). Founded in 1951, the IAEVG advocates for guidance by promoting ethical, socially just, and best practices throughout the world so that educational and vocational guidance and counselling is available to all citizens from competent and qualified practitioners.