NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe

Our Goals - Mission and Activities of the NICE Foundation

In line with the NICE Memorandum from 2015, our mission is to…

  • Promote excellence and innovation in academic, research-based training of career practitioners in Europe
  • Support the coordination of academic training in CGC within Europe
  • Foster cooperation between the academic community and relevant stakeholders

To fulfil our goals, our current activities include...

  • Maintaining, enhancing, and promoting the NICE Memorandum, the European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners (ECS), and the Common Points of Reference of NICE,
  • Organising annual NICE Academies to facilitate peer-learning and the sharing of expertise between people engaged in the academic training of career practitioners, and career professionals across Europe,
  • Cooperating with other international organisations promoting professionalism and quality in career guidance and counselling, especially with the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) and the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), and
  • Supporting the development of innovative modules, training materials, training approaches, tools and methodologies concerning the practice of career guidance and counselling (e.g., in the current STRENGTh project)

Plans for the future include...

  • Developing and marketing a quality label for degree programmes for the academic training of career practitioners,
  • Offering training for teachers engaged in the academic training of career practitioners, and
  • Promoting the exchange of staff and students of relevant degree programmes